The PTSA Board presented the proposed updates to the PTSA Bylaws during the March PTSA Meeting. The main updates are to the PTSA Officer positions – the proposal is to decrease the number of Secretaries from 2 (Correspondence and Recording) to one, and to add 3 Vice President positions:
– Executive Vice President (VP) to provide back-up to the President and fill in duties of any vacant VP positions
– VP of Events to oversee the many events the PTSA runs
– VP of Communication to focus on best use of the many modalities of communication to reach our diverse community
PTSA members have until the next meeting in May to review the DRAFT PTSA Bylaws and a vote is requested during the May meeting.
The DRAFT Bylaws can be reviewed at: DRAFT Bylaws
Highlighted in yellow are the areas of the template that the school PTSA is able to edit.
Please provide your feedback here.