1/15/2025 Click here to access Letter from Ms Martin Regarding Bell Schedule Updates for SY26
Information on Bell Schedule, Meeting Minutes including Q&A with Ms. Martin.
PTSA Meeting January 14, 2025, 7-8:30pm in the cafeteria, in person only
Click here for 2025 January PTSA Meeting Minutes
For background on the Bell Schedule, please read the following
Summary of the Planned TPMS Schedule Changes
Further background:
***They voted to reduce the number of periods from 8 to 7.
Questions posed at the Bell Schedule Q & A with Ms. Martin. Her answers to these questions can be found in the PTSA Meeting Minutes: Click here for 2025 January PTSA Meeting Minutes
Takoma Park Middle School (TPMS)
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
General Membership Meeting
October 8, 2024
TPMS PTSA Officers in Attendance: Ramata Diop (President), Emily Modde (Treasurer), Erin Martin (Principal), Liz Ryan (MCCPTA Delegate)
Members of the Community present: 115 (students, parents, staff)
Call to Order: Ramata Diop, PTSA President, called the meeting to order at 7:16 pm.
Welcome/Introductions: Ramata and Emily provided a summary of current PTSA roles filled and those still vacant. Emily relayed the need for a Recording Secretary to take meeting minutes (4 general membership meetings, 1 board meeting per month during the academic year)
Safe Routes to School briefing: Event is tomorrow, Wednesday October 9. Takoma Park Transit Director, Kaysi-Ann Webley, was unable to attend the PTSA meeting due to illness.
Upcoming Events briefing:
Treasurer’s Report: Emily Modde emphasized the diverse purposes and needs of the PTSA organization as a 501c3 organization including fundraising to support school priorities, create an advocacy voice such as at MCCPTA, and to build community bonds including strengthening the home/school communication. Emily Modde covered the range of actions that the PTSA supports such as 8th grade promotion, mini grants, and supporting the music department, speakers, and other events such as social events and picnics.
Vote on PTSA Budget for 2024-25: Previous 2023-24 PTSA budget was reviewed. Last year’s proposed expenses were $35k, actual expenses were $20k. This was less than expected due to some expenses that came in after June 30th (end of fiscal year), and some programs that didn’t get enacted.
Proposed expenses by category for 2024-24 school year is $30k, with expectation to leave $15k carryover for next year’s PTSA. In 2023-24 revenue was $12k; proposed was $17k. Fundraising efforts underperformed in 2023-24. Proposed income for 2024-25 is $31k.
Emily Modde made a motion to pass the proposed budget as presented for 2024-25. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
We don’t have a fundraising chair on the PTSA this year, as such we’re working with Apex games to handle fundraising efforts. We hope that our current fundraiser, kicking off this week, will be the biggest fundraiser that we do (with two smaller fundraisers later).
Apex Color Games Fundraiser briefing: Matthew Berman, of Apex, explained the Apex Color Games fundraising effort. All students who raise at least $30 are eligible to participate in games on Thursday Oct 17, 1-3 pm at TPMS. A video was shared on the type of events that students can fundraise to do (e.g. pie on a teacher, color powder). Professionals who work with kids on fundraising from Apex will help them. Volunteers are needed for the event. Sign up through SignUp Genius here
Principal’s Updates: Ms.Erin Martin, TPMS Principal, explained that it had been awhile since core values had been reviewed. Previous core values were: Courtesy, Safety, and Integrity. These were fine, but most people coming to the school had not had a hand in saying who we are.
Last year had posters out during Back to School night and got feedback from nearly all students and staff members which were used to develop the new core values which are “S.T.R.I.V.E.”
The new “houses” model was used to support the intended cultural values beyond just being a poster in the hallway. Additionally, since the school is very large (#5 in size in the county), the houses notion is to promote inclusivity, respect, and equity; to build community; to understand strengths and challenges; and to foster a sense of connectedness in the community.
House structure is the name of each letter of S.T.R.I.V.E. Each has a Head of House staff member (a ‘hype’ sponsor for each value). Each has a House Mascot.
Activities such as the fun events held on September 27 help to build the community, which is showing that students are making friends across grade levels based on their experiences together as a school ‘house.’
Students came up with house chants. Up next students are working on house crests that they are designing. Students are also applying to be house leaders.
A fire alarm was set off by accident, however evacuation was by house (e.g. orange and blue went out the back).
Every Wednesday they are in their S.T.R.I.V.E. groups. We did not have an explicit advisory period on non-academic things that our students face. These groups will be used to host community circles to talk about issues. Will do other Socio-Emotional Learning (S.E.L). lessons during this Wednesday time with houses.
Additional Topics/Questions: None
New Business: None
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:08 pm.
The following are events the TPMS PTSA is sponsoring or participating in.
Event | Date | Time | Who
is it for? |
Tell Me More… | Volun-
teers Needed |
Back to School Night | Th, 8/5 | 5:30-8:00 | Family Event | Tour the school, meet the teachers, and see your students classrooms | |
Student Assembly – Latin Dance | M, 8/16 | Day | All Students | To celebrate Hispanic Heritage month, an interactive dance performance will engage students in the basics of Latin Dance during the school day. | |
Fundraising Kick-off | M, 10/7 | Day | All Students | Fitness minded fundraising to help raise money for the school to fuel our programs! | |
PTSA Meeting – First of the year! | Tu, 10/8 | 7-8:30
In person TPMS Cafeteria |
Family Event | First meeting of the year: Meet families and school admin, PTSA members, and learn best approaches for supporting your middle schooler to set them up for success this year! Plus special information for High School choice. | |
Fundraiser End Celebration | Th, 10/16 | Day | Volunteer &
All Students |
Students will celebrate their PTSA fundraising efforts with fun day activities and prizes. Volunteers are needed to support this event. | V |
Dance | TBD | Evening | All Students | SGA Dance for all ages | TBD |
Election Day Bake Sale | Tu, 11/5 | Day | Volunteer | Support education by voting and baked goods | V |
International Night | F, 11/15 | Evening | Family Event | Represent your country or culture of origin by bringing a dish to pass, and/or showcasing your culture’s talent. | V |
7th Grade Families
Winter Social |
F, 12/6 | Evening | 7th Grade Family Event | 7th Grade families – come join us for a social hour with cocoa and snowflake factory! | |
8th Grade Families
Winter Social |
F, 12/13 | Evening | 8th Grade Family Event | 8th Grade families – come join us for a social hour with cocoa and snowflake factory! | |
PTSA Meeting | M, 1/13 | 7-8:30
In person TPMS Cafeteria |
Family Event | Find out more about school electives for rising 7th and 8th graders, and more about rising High Schooler options | |
Student Assembly – African Drum | M, 2/3 | Day | All students | To celebrate Black History month students will learn about African drumming and rhythms in an interactive assembly! | |
Books & Basketball | F, 2/28 –
S, 2/29 |
Evening & Day | Family Event | The biggest TPMS Community Event of the year – watch the students vs. teachers basketball game, then stay for an excellent book sale and silent auction fundraiser! | |
PTSA Meeting & Women’s History Event | Tu, 3/11 | 7-8:30
In person TPMS Cafeteria |
Family Event | Celebrate Women’s History Month with us, plus a special guest and lots of useful information about the TPMS community! | |
We Shine Night | Th, 4/3 | 5:30-8 | Family Event | A student showcase of Science, tech and the arts with exciting presentations and demonstrations. | |
Dance | F, 4/4 | Evening | All students | SGA Dance for all ages | TBD |
Student Assembly – Dragon Dance | M, 5/5 | Day | All Students | Celebrating Asian Heritage month dragon dancers will bring the hallways of TPMS to life. | |
Staff Appreciation Week | M,5/5 – F, 5/9 | Week | Volunteers | We have a week of activities and food to honor our teachers and staff. Please consider helping for this event! | V |
PTSA Meeting – Elections & More | Tu, 5/6 | 7-8:30
In person TPMS Cafeteria |
Family Event | Our last meeting of the year we will elect new PTSA board members and more. | |
8th Grade Dance | M, 6/9 | Evening | 8th Graders Only | A party to bring our 8th graders together one last time before they are 9th graders. Please consider chaperoning if you are a 7th grade parent! | V |
8th Grade Promotion | Tu, 6/10 | Evening | 8th Grader Families Only | It’s a rite of passage and a final good-bye to our students and TPMS. We need volunteers to help set up the gym, and pass out treats to our graduates. Please consider if you are a 7th grade parent! | V |
Join us for the first PTSA Meeting of the school year.
Tuesday, October 8th from 7:00-8:30pm in the Cafeteria.
Pizza will be served. Your student is encouraged to attend and will receive SSL hours for attending.
The Agenda:
Wondering what your contribution to the TPMS PTSA will fund in the 2024-25 school year?
Here’s a little list! Please consider making a donation – I want to donate!
Here’s what your PTSA is planning for the TPMS community in 2024-25 school year!
Get involved with the PTSA!
The PTSA needs parents and caregivers to join the board next year so that we can continue to support TPMS staff and provide fun and educational events and activities for our kids.
Check out the available positions here https://www.tpmspta.org/